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Pentair type/Straw Type Hybrid Fountian

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Pentair type/Straw Type Hybrid Fountian Empty Pentair type/Straw Type Hybrid Fountian

Post  tuulos Fri May 31, 2013 7:04 am

I just finished a 3" Fountain. I didn't want to do a big 6" fountain, due to size, and availability of pipe and fittings.
So I finished the Fountain using regular Drinking Straws, using a 3" ABS Y reducer Tee and having the Y point down. I initially had some issues with Nozzles (ie. I tried cutting them into PVC end caps, but they all had too many imperfections) I could after refining the nozzles and the sponge get about a 3' length stream, but even that was cloudy.
I was reluctantly considering going to a 6" pipe, when I saw a Youtube video with someone using coffee straws I decided to try that, clarity came in to the stream, but still I couldn't push it past 3'. I had read the posts on the Pentair Type Jets and it intrigued me. I read the build the one guy tried but found it not very good. I they realized the problem. The Pentair Jets are small dia pipes and short. Also they use a Conical Screen, the build attempt had just tried bending the screen. I also think when he up'd the dia to 6" he then cause the downfall of the fountain.
I decided to try combining the coffee straw fountain with a conical 3 Screen at the nozzle. And BOOM, clear, and un broken stream for over 5' lenght and 3-4' height out of a 3" dia pipe that is only 12" in length.
And that is with an uneven pipe inside cause i used fittings to make it serviceable instead of a straight pipe, also I for my screens I just went to the dollar store and got 3 different size Kitchen Sink drain strainers, which aren't Ideal, and the screen isn't exactly even but they work, I think that you could have even higher stream if these were improved.
But for my purposes they work fine. All and all I barely had to do any fabricating, and used off the self parts. I used a 1/2" copper washer and tapered it with my pocket knife and smoothed it with 600 grit sand paper. I do wish I could get a milled nozzle as that I think would also help my distance.
But I will post pics soon, but this was an extremely easy build with all most all parts, except the pipe fittings and washer, coming from a dollar store.

Just for those who want to try with out access to CNC's or milling equip.

Also I ordered some waterproof LED's and put them in the straw pack and they light the stream great, even shining through the screens (I wondered if they would). I power them with a 6volt Battery.

here's some pictures
sorry photo taken with my BB, not the best, but upto 4" high is un broken

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Pentair type/Straw Type Hybrid Fountian Empty Nice looking stream

Post  z2010 Sun Aug 25, 2013 12:21 am

Just started looking through the forum. Your pictures looked good like the light inside idea. Saw the Cross on the backdrop of pictures, I like that. Will be building some of these soon nice to hear everything does not have to be perfect for these to work. I have access to a small lathe and mill drill so will be easier to make a good nozzle. How did you hold the ends on? That is one of the problems bugging me.

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Pentair type/Straw Type Hybrid Fountian Empty Re: Pentair type/Straw Type Hybrid Fountian

Post  Jurrien Wed Oct 23, 2013 1:12 pm

Wow, I can't wait till next spring to test this idea!

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