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problems with the beam

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problems with the beam Empty problems with the beam

Post  Werner_tom Wed Jun 24, 2009 12:44 pm

hi at all,

i'm new in this forum. I have read your posts and I decided that my first laminar nozzle to build.

I have build the nozzle with a 110 mm diameter Tube. Its 400 mm long. With straws and Filter like your Guide. I have a 8 mm Metal brass ring and a Jitter Filter.
With low pressure it works ok:

but when i increase the pressure, the Beam "splash's" an the end:

i dont know why?

This is only a test nozzle.

finaly i will build the Nozzle with this tube:

problems with the beam P1130935503091

It will standing on the site of my pond.
I hope, it works with a bented Tube
This Tube has 160 mm Diameter.
I think, the bigger tube will better work as my small nozzle.

i hope, you can understand my bad english.


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problems with the beam Empty Re: problems with the beam

Post  liteglow Wed Jun 24, 2009 3:55 pm

Hi, your English is no problem at all Wink

First of all, I just want you to know that I`m not a professional.
So what I say is only based on my own experiences !!

for me it seems like there is nothing wrong with your nozzle !
Btw, it is a pretty nice beam you have there..
But the reason why it`s slash at higher pressure is maybe because your nozzle have reach the physical laws Wink

When you only have a 110mm in diameter pipe, and a 8mm hole (is that drilled metal btw?) I dont think you can manage to get any longer beam !

I have a 220mm pipe, and a 12-14mm brass ring hole, that is drilled PERFECTLY, hand made by machine Wink
It`s very important that the output ring is crystal clear...
And that the water have no turbulence inside the nozzle.

I think that because of the small size, you will get turbulence inside your small nozzle.
It does not matter that the nozzle is 400mm long, for that matter it could have been 800mm long.
But still it`s only 110mm in diameter so the water will anyway have the same "speed" UP .. that will create turbulence Smile

This is what I think.... remember that I`m not any professional haha

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problems with the beam Empty Re: problems with the beam

Post  liteglow Wed Jun 24, 2009 3:57 pm

btw: I not so sure about a bending Tube will work..
Because the water maybe need to go in parallel to create a laminar flow!
The bending will maybe create turbulence !!

anyway, I wish you good luck Very Happy

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problems with the beam Empty Re: problems with the beam

Post  Werner_tom Thu Jun 25, 2009 2:16 am

hi liteglow,

thanks for your answer.
Ok, i must build a bigger Nozzle.
I test it with the bented tube. I post the results in few days.
I hope, it works.

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problems with the beam Empty Re: problems with the beam

Post  Magic-nozzle Fri Jun 26, 2009 10:56 pm

Hi Tom
your nozzle looks nice, and great to have you here in this forum. I think liteglow said everithing for the beginning. I can wish you good luck and i am glad to see new pictures.
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