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First attempt .... lets call it the Mk1

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First attempt .... lets call it the Mk1 Empty First attempt .... lets call it the Mk1

Post  oldsparky Sat Jul 25, 2009 1:14 pm

Hi guys,
well ...... this is my first post (apart from a quick introduction) and my first attempt at building a laminar flow nozzle.

I've been busy for now .... collecting all the bits 'n' pieces for my Mk1 Smile
I thought I'd show you all what I've got so far and hope you'll comment before I go wrong from the outset ;-)

Below, you can see the 110mm (4") pipe for the main body (I know you guys have moved on to 8" but .... well ... this *is* my Mk1).
The Stop End-Cap and Nozzle End-Cap were turned from polypropylene .... with an inserted aluminium nozzle jet.
You can see a couple of valves I have the choice of using to bleed off the air when the nozzle's first filled.

Now I know I'm being optimistic with the fibre-optic bundle .. hahaha ... but I had it handy and cheap so I thought I'd build the nozzle with the option to light it.
I don't suppose It'll work first time .... I know I'm going to have to walk before I run .... or more realistically .... crawl before I walk Smile

First attempt .... lets call it the Mk1 Laminar_nozzle_1

Ohhhh here's a question ..... do I need to glue the bundle of straws together somehow .... to stop odd straws from migrating toward the jet when it's in operation ?
I've got the straws temporarily packed into shape between a couple of offcuts from the 110mm pipe ..... but I guess I'll need to add a piece of pvc pipe down the center to hold the fibre-optic bundle.

First attempt .... lets call it the Mk1 Laminar_nozzle_2

Finally, here's a shot of the nozzle jet itself .... about 10mm diameter.

First attempt .... lets call it the Mk1 Laminar_nozzle_3

Well ..... I expect I'll get soaking wet a few times before I get to see a laminar jet of water gracefully arcing into the sky Wink

Any and all comments would be welcome guys and thanks for a friendly and informative forum.
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First attempt .... lets call it the Mk1 Empty Re: First attempt .... lets call it the Mk1

Post  liteglow Sat Jul 25, 2009 3:51 pm

Hi there my friend :-)

That is some nice pictures there.
The setup seems pretty nice, but well.... I not a huge fan about using 4" Surprised
Anyway, i wish you the best luck haha.

The aluminium output is awesome !!!!
I don't think anybody ever will get it better and more stronger than that output right there !

I like the idea about using the fiber bundle to add light Wink
But where is you supposed to have the light LED ?

I have tried both 225 strand fiber optic cable..
And a bundle of 5 strings of 3mm fiber cable.

But the result is not close to anything you can see on the "pro" jets... (when I say pro, I have marios jet in my mind also haha)

Good luck, and please add photos of the test run Very Happy

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First attempt .... lets call it the Mk1 Empty Re: First attempt .... lets call it the Mk1

Post  John Sat Jul 25, 2009 10:36 pm

It's not fair that the MK1 is more professional than my V4 nozzle!!!! I love the end caps! That is a great idea. How did you turn the end caps? Do you have a lathe at home? I'm sure you will see some great results. But depending on how high you want to shoot the arc you may decide to move onto 8" as well!


I have just 3 fibers (5mm each), one for each color. It works pretty good. I only have 3 Watt Luxeon LED that had 3 tri-color LEDS on it. I have what I like to call the lighting core. It seems to work pretty nice, but as liteglow said the intensity isn't anywhere near the professionals (mine doesn't cost $4000 either, LOL)

Here is my first verison

For the second version, I've change it just slightly (for aesthetic reason only) as soon as I can get my second version finalized I will put that online too.
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First attempt .... lets call it the Mk1 Empty Re: First attempt .... lets call it the Mk1

Post  liteglow Sun Jul 26, 2009 5:55 am

I would like some more details on the Light..
Like: - Where do you put the fiber, how close to the output hole ?
- How do you combine the LED with the fiber ?

How to you seal the LED unit so it does not come in contact with water ?..

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First attempt .... lets call it the Mk1 Empty Re: First attempt .... lets call it the Mk1

Post  John Sun Jul 26, 2009 8:51 am

I would like some more details on the Light..
Like: - Where do you put the fiber, how close to the output hole ?
- How do you combine the LED with the fiber ?

How to you seal the LED unit so it does not come in contact with water ?..

Are you asking me or oldsparky?
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First attempt .... lets call it the Mk1 Empty Re: First attempt .... lets call it the Mk1

Post  liteglow Sun Jul 26, 2009 2:59 pm

John: I ask you :-)

But whoever have the answer may speak ..
Maybe make a new thread just about Light ?

My LED was a total failure, so I wish for some help in that category Embarassed

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First attempt .... lets call it the Mk1 Empty Fibreopticals :-)

Post  oldsparky Sun Jul 26, 2009 3:07 pm

Hello liteglow, John and all other laminar loonies.

This is what I .... hope .... to do.

The fibre bundle will pass into the 'dead' area of water within the nozzle body via a compression gland.
I'm hoping that since the water here hasn't been forced to be laminar yet, it won't affect the output.
The fibre bundle outside of the nozzle body will enter into a waterproof enclosure of some sort and have a 5 Watt LED shining into it.
I may send off for LED's from this site .... go check it out.

I hope the drawing below makes some sort of sense to you.

Any advice on whether or not I'll need to glue the straws (and pvc tube) together ?

First attempt .... lets call it the Mk1 Fibreopticnozzle
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First attempt .... lets call it the Mk1 Empty Re: First attempt .... lets call it the Mk1

Post  liteglow Sun Jul 26, 2009 3:15 pm

That is a great picture Smile

You have done it almost the same way as I did try..
But I had in my mind that the fiber was longer, so the LED could be placed above the water surface..

But my biggest problem is that the Fiber cable is pretty hard to work with !
I dont know how I should be able to mount the LED and fiber so it will stay above the LED !!
I cannot use duct tape, maybe I need to make a box or something ..

Edit: Just wonder, is it better to have a reflector\lens on the LED ?
Let`s say the LED have a 180degree light output, you will miss allot of light when the fiber only use maybe 10% of the output !

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First attempt .... lets call it the Mk1 Empty Re:First attempt .... lets call it the Mk1

Post  oldsparky Sun Aug 02, 2009 6:58 am

Just a quick look at first water through the Mk1 Very Happy

Learning loads from you guys .... thanks.

Fiberoptic idea was a dud hahaha .... I *did* say I happened to have the bundle cheap
Well ..... as the age old saying goes .... ya get what ya pay for ..... the fiber was just nylon I think ... anyway only good enough to pass a twinkle of light at the other end.
Will eventually go for the real deal in 3mm like you guys ... early days yet though ... shouldn't try and work on too many things at a time.
Baby steps to start methinks.
Maybe low pass filter should be next.

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First attempt .... lets call it the Mk1 Empty Re:First attempt .... lets call it the Mk1

Post  oldsparky Wed Aug 05, 2009 11:32 am

Well ..... I decided to add a Low Pass Filter to see how it helps the water jet.
I thought for the mk1 I'd just use 40mm waste pipe and fittings ...... I reasoned that although not as wide as most .... I could make it a little longer .... still keep enough air in it to act as a shock absorber to the varying flow from the pump.
First attempt .... lets call it the Mk1 Small_lowpass_build

Here it is fully built .... about 40mins later :-)
First attempt .... lets call it the Mk1 Small_lowpass2

This is the Low Pass Filter in position (on test)
First attempt .... lets call it the Mk1 Small_laminar_with_lowpass

Here's the Laminar Flow ...... an improvement but obviously could do with a wider Low Pass Filter :-(
First attempt .... lets call it the Mk1 Small_laminar

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First attempt .... lets call it the Mk1 Empty Re: First attempt .... lets call it the Mk1

Post  John Wed Aug 05, 2009 11:49 am

On your low pass filter, is your output on the top or bottom?

In my humble opinion the output should be on top.
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First attempt .... lets call it the Mk1 Empty Re:First attempt .... lets call it the Mk1

Post  oldsparky Thu Aug 06, 2009 12:03 pm

John wrote:On your low pass filter, is your output on the top or bottom?

In my humble opinion the output should be on top.

Yep ..... I fed the pump into the bottom and fed the nozzle out from from the top
I still need to enlarge the Low Pass Filter capacity I think .... still have 'jitter' :-( ...... might fit the 40mm pipe into some sort of expansion tank with greater volume ?

I've just bought a couple of square yards of garden type fabric to cover the sump where the water jet lands
It kills the 'splash' lovely :-)
My submersible pump is one my (twin) brother gave me to experiment with ..... a 3000 l/hr .... (thanks bro)
but I'm going to order a 7800 l/hr submersible pump hehehe ..... then I can shoot the stream into next doors garden if I want ;-)
I'll get it from :

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First attempt .... lets call it the Mk1 Empty Re: First attempt .... lets call it the Mk1

Post  oldsparky Sat Aug 15, 2009 9:23 am

New pump arrived and I couldn't wait to try it on the 4" nozzle.

Here's the pump (7,800 litres per hour).
First attempt .... lets call it the Mk1 New_pump

Inside its submersible housing.
First attempt .... lets call it the Mk1 Pump_in_housing

The complete unit.
First attempt .... lets call it the Mk1 Newpump

I know its not ideal throwing this much flow through a 4" nozzle ..... but I wanted to see what it'd do.
It threw a 6 foot arc (the first 4 or 5 ft staying nicely laminar) for 5 feet.
I lowered the nozzle trajectory and got a 3 foot arc to throw 14 feet. Very Happy

I'll carry on experimenting with the 4" to test lighting / cutting / 'knocking' etc but 8" nozzle on the drawing board Smile

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