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BuckPuck LED driver

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BuckPuck LED driver Empty BuckPuck LED driver

Post  douggg Tue Sep 29, 2009 2:50 am

In reading the posts, I notices several people talking about LED drivers. Couldn't one of these be used (one for each LED)? Or is cost the issue?

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BuckPuck LED driver Empty Re: BuckPuck LED driver

Post  covewi Tue Sep 29, 2009 4:20 am

Only 1000 ma - just a little low to get the max power into lighting the LEDS. I have learned from the forum its much easier just to build our own using a LM 317 voltage regulator. I bought my lens and collimator from the same web site.

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BuckPuck LED driver Empty Can you post a schematic?

Post  douggg Tue Sep 29, 2009 8:23 am

Can you share how you did it?

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BuckPuck LED driver Empty Re: BuckPuck LED driver

Post  covewi Tue Sep 29, 2009 8:40 am

Start here;

Which wil regulate the current - which is all we are really worried about.

It talks about the lm317 and the links go on to describing a simple circuit. I am just using (at the advice of others on this forum and the website calculator) a 1 ohm resistor and the lm 317 - thats it. Very simple. I have made one PS for each led - however one might do the trick if you supply a high enough in voltage - which will generatre a lot of heat - so think heatsink and possibly a fan - everyone here is very helpful - good luck

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BuckPuck LED driver Empty Re: BuckPuck LED driver

Post  John Tue Sep 29, 2009 8:57 am

The cost to make a LM317 current driver is a lot cheaper than buying a buckpuck. You can buy it and it probably will work. But a lm317 chip will cost you $1.50ish and the resistor won't cost much.

On that link that covewi posted there is a calculator which will help you determine the resistor value. It also will tell you what is the power rating that is needed so that it doesn't catch fire.
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