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new mommy in the community

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new mommy in the community Empty new mommy in the community

Post  AshleyDominique Wed Nov 11, 2009 10:04 pm

Hi, I am Ashley Dominique from Atlanta, GA & I'm new to this site.
I don't have much knowledge but would like to gain & share whatever i have.
As everybody knows that nowadays forums are the best source of Knowledge, and through
forums we can learn a lot.

I'm positively looking forward to the forum and its members, hope all will guide, share and help me to
increase my knowledge. Hope we get to meet here, and talked about cool stuffs about our passions and
if there's any concerns you think i could answer, please do leave me a message.

'Till next time guys.. Very Happy

new mommy in the community Background_-_white_with_leaves

my wedding planning checklist for my wedding planning
Nozzle Newbie
Nozzle Newbie

Posts : 4
Join date : 2009-11-11
Age : 44
Location : Georgia

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new mommy in the community Empty Re: new mommy in the community

Post  liteglow Wed Nov 18, 2009 12:50 pm

Hi and welcome to this forum Smile

Glad you did join us, maybe you also should start creating your own little Laminar jet soon ? Wink

Posts : 523
Join date : 2009-04-02
Age : 42
Location : Norway

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