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Hello from St Marys, GA

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Hello from St Marys, GA Empty Hello from St Marys, GA

Post  fendley Mon Dec 01, 2014 11:05 am

I stumbled across this forum, and see that there is a wealth of information on the site. Is the forum still visited regularly?

Nozzle Newbie
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Hello from St Marys, GA Empty Re: Hello from St Marys, GA

Post  Ike Mon Dec 01, 2014 3:29 pm


Unfortunately it is not very active anymore, but there are still a few of us who haunt it (if not as regularly as we would like). I've built a few laminar fountains in the past and am actively developing a 3D printed model so there are still some projects going on.

That said definitely post your ideas, projects, and questions and those of us around will help as we can. Feel free to private message me on the forum if you have a topic sitting idol and I can help get the conversation going. A PM is helpful if you haven't had any activity on a thread since it sends me an email to remind me to come check back.

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Hello from St Marys, GA Empty Re: Hello from St Marys, GA

Post  fendley Thu Dec 04, 2014 6:37 am

Thanks for the response. I have just started the research, so i do not have any specific questions yet, other than perhaps one: I have a 1/4 acre pond on my property. Is there any issue in incorporating the pond into the nozzle arrangement? Understand that there is an entire ecosystem in the pond, so the water is not "pure".

Nozzle Newbie
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Hello from St Marys, GA Empty Re: Hello from St Marys, GA

Post  Ike Thu Dec 04, 2014 9:21 am

Non-pure water isn't an issue as long as you do not have much particulate coming in to the nozzle. Most designs incorporate a foam filter pad right before the drinking straw section to provide resistance that evens out the water pressure across the straws. That foam filter pad can get clogged if you are drawing in to much debris into the nozzle. An external filter is definitely recommended to prevent that. The nozzle can come apart but not always easily which makes it a pain to clean out the foam inside (this is one of the things I am attempting to fix with my 3D printed nozzles).

Nozzle Novice
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Hello from St Marys, GA Empty Re: Hello from St Marys, GA

Post  fendley Fri Dec 05, 2014 3:44 am

That makes sense. The other option I'm looking at is using the water supply (and pump) from my deep well to supply the nozzles. I have the well filling the pond 1-2 days per week (depending on the evaporation rate) so the nozzles could be a way to do that.

Nozzle Newbie
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Age : 62
Location : St Marys, GA

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