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Greeting from Pakistan

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Greeting from Pakistan Empty Greeting from Pakistan

Post  Khalid Thu Jun 09, 2011 1:02 am

I am Khalid Khattak, mechanical engineer. I am a silent observer of this great forum. Also developed successfully a laminar flow fountain with 6" pipe. Currently working on laminar stream cutter and trying to add some LED lighting.

I will post soon about the fountain.

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Greeting from Pakistan Empty Re: Greeting from Pakistan

Post  liteglow Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:52 am

Hi and welcome Smile
Great to see you here, and that you dont stay in the back but also post pictures..

Do you have a working cutter ?
I need tip how to build a cutter ... My cutter is very bad and I need a new one before I can place my laminar jet under the surface !!



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Greeting from Pakistan Empty Re: Greeting from Pakistan

Post  Khalid Sun Jun 12, 2011 2:58 am

liteglow wrote:Hi and welcome Smile
Great to see you here, and that you dont stay in the back but also post pictures..

Do you have a working cutter ?
I need tip how to build a cutter ... My cutter is very bad and I need a new one before I can place my laminar jet under the surface !!


Thanks liteglow,
The cutter fabrication is in progress... I will use cheap solenoid to operate the cutter.. I will use Arduino to control the cutter and RGB lighting. I need PMMA 3mm end glow cable that is not available in my country. Paypal does not give service to my country and it is difficult for me to get 2ft of that cable:(

Nozzle Newbie
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Greeting from Pakistan Empty Re: Greeting from Pakistan

Post  liteglow Sun Jun 12, 2011 12:31 pm

maybe I can help you..

I have some 3mm fiber cable that I dont need !
I`m not going to use light in my nozzle because there is to bright here outside Wink

If you dont have paypal, maybe you can pay me some other way..
Hey here`s a deal, what if you find something unique that you think I would like, and you send it to me as a payment Very Happy


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Greeting from Pakistan Empty Re: Greeting from Pakistan

Post  Khalid Sun Jun 12, 2011 6:23 pm

liteglow wrote:maybe I can help you..

I have some 3mm fiber cable that I dont need !
I`m not going to use light in my nozzle because there is to bright here outside Wink

If you dont have paypal, maybe you can pay me some other way..
Hey here`s a deal, what if you find something unique that you think I would like, and you send it to me as a payment Very Happy

Thats a very nice gesture. Can you kindly tell me the price?...Based on the price I have two options:
1- Directly pay you through the VISA card if you have any means to accept payment.
2- Check the website what you need and tell me i will order for you. But the website must accept the VISA card without paypal.

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Greeting from Pakistan Empty Re: Greeting from Pakistan

Post  liteglow Sun Jun 12, 2011 6:45 pm

Let me check how long my Fiber is.
What is your minimum length you need ?

The fiber cable I have is 3mm Jacked optic fiber cable. Smile

I think the cost for transferring money on VISA is so much work and not worth the time and costs.
I will check how much the fiber cost... but I dont think that is any "big" deal..
When I`m not going to use my fiber anyway, I`s better that some one else can use it :-)

But I dont know the shipping cost to your country.. but if I ship it as a letter I guess the cost is pretty low.

PM me your address, and I can check out if it`s possible to ship it to you.



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Greeting from Pakistan Empty Re: Greeting from Pakistan

Post  Khalid Sun Jun 12, 2011 11:22 pm

I have sent you PM. I will surely use it on my fountain. 3Watt RGB on the way from Dealextreme website. Each LED cost me 3.8 US dollar.

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Greeting from Pakistan Empty Re: Greeting from Pakistan

Post  Khalid Tue Jun 14, 2011 8:58 pm

Hi Filip,
Have you checked your inbox Very Happy Any good news for me?

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