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A new member from the United Kingdom

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A new member from the United Kingdom Empty A new member from the United Kingdom

Post  JohnJarvis Fri May 01, 2009 12:54 pm

Hi my name is John Jarvis I'm an Electical Engineer living in the West Midlands of the UK. Just a few miles from where the Industrial revolution started in this country. Have always been intrigued by the jumping foutains at Epcot. Last year came across Zach Carpenters site and started making some progress. 8" pipe in small lengths is difficult and at the moment expensive so currently using 4" Since I already have a ex Disco DMX light with colour change wheel etc seemed a good idea to start with that. My nozzle is a co axial arrangement, clear perspex bottom plate with a 1.5" pipe within the 4" pipe all surrounded by straws. The main idea is that the light which comes from below goes up the middle and into the light stream. It does work quite well. Will try and get some video sorted. Having saig all that I am very impressed with a new 3watt LED which I have just bought. Thanks everyone for helping each other. Long may it continue!

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A new member from the United Kingdom Empty Re: A new member from the United Kingdom

Post  liteglow Fri May 01, 2009 3:18 pm

Hi and welcome Smile

Yes plz share some videos..

About using 4" , I really dont know ?
I did try 4" and it did not work for me..
But after changing to 8" the result was 100% perfect :-)

Yes the idea about having light travel from the bottom, and up in the middle could maybe work ?
But with fiber the light maybe is more powerful ?

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A new member from the United Kingdom Empty Re: A new member from the United Kingdom

Post  John Sat May 02, 2009 7:17 pm

I too tried started with a 4" nozzle. I wasn't able to really get it working to my liking! Going to larger diameter have been a critical part in my development.
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