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Polyethylene glycol

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Polyethylene glycol Empty Polyethylene glycol

Post  stereoeric Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:28 pm

Hi, everybody - I'm a new member, and having read most of the posts here, and learned a lot about building laminar nozzles, I've purchased a length of 8" PVC, and am ready to start on mine.

One question I have, which I haven't seen mentioned in the forum, is whether anyone has tried adding polyethylene glycol (also called polyethylene oxide) to their water. Experiments have shown that by adding a small amount to the water, fire hoses' range increases by up to 40%, apparently because it reduces the skin friction on the wall of the hose. It may not work in laminar nozzles, but I think it's worth a try.

It can be bought at the drug store under the name Miralax. It's sold as a stool softener (!), and is a white powder which dissolves in water. It's non-toxic to humans, but is not good for fish.

I'll try it when I have my nozzle together, but maybe someone could try it in the meantime.

Eric Starmer

Nozzle Newbie
Nozzle Newbie

Posts : 1
Join date : 2013-07-02

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