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New laminar apprentices from Norway!

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New laminar apprentices from Norway! Empty New laminar apprentices from Norway!

Post  Steffen Mon Jan 25, 2010 5:25 am

We're two students in the south of Norway looking looking for a hobby beside our studies. We've done some research and have started ordering different parts as well as scavenging the local shops for people willing to help with discount prices.
At the moment our planned setup is a 8" nozzle with RGB LEDs and perhaps something like a PLC to control the cutter (maybe a bit overkill, but PLCs are fun to program). We're not really sure if we're going to try for a solenoid or stepper-motor, but our main task now is to get a working nozzle and then take it from there.

We'll do our best to document the progress (and mistakes) we make, and we'll obviously come to this forum with a lot of questions! Wink

So, that's just an introduction for now, and we'll be back shortly with updates.

-Steffen and Kjell-

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New laminar apprentices from Norway! Empty Re: New laminar apprentices from Norway!

Post  liteglow Mon Jan 25, 2010 9:30 am

Hi there, and welcome Smile

Where from Norway are you from ?

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New laminar apprentices from Norway! Empty Re: New laminar apprentices from Norway!

Post  Steffen Mon Jan 25, 2010 1:49 pm

I sent you an email earlier liteglow, but perhaps I screwed up the adress Smile

Kjell is from Stavanger and I'm from Kristiansand, but both are studying at Universitete i Agder, Grimstad. Smile

Nozzle Newbie
Nozzle Newbie

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New laminar apprentices from Norway! Empty Re: New laminar apprentices from Norway!

Post  liteglow Mon Jan 25, 2010 1:53 pm


I don't remember reciving any e-mail ... hmm
I usually always respond on every e-mail I receive.

But anyway, nice to have you here Smile
I live in Mo i Rana !

Posts : 523
Join date : 2009-04-02
Age : 42
Location : Norway

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