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JUST THE JOB-plastic injected housing interested?

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JUST THE JOB-plastic injected housing interested? Empty JUST THE JOB-plastic injected housing interested?

Post  STUCH Tue Apr 06, 2010 6:45 am

HI posted a topic on the introduce yourself section under lifes great..If any ones interested in the posibility of getting hold of a plastic injected housing premade for the self builder
like you and myself, please read my introduction If i get plenty of response for this can get them made but need input please see my first post..and if anyone wants a custom made outlet nozzle out of brass 8,10,or 12mm let me know got a few.(will put images up soon as i can)..

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JUST THE JOB-plastic injected housing interested? Empty Re: JUST THE JOB-plastic injected housing interested?

Post  liteglow Tue Apr 06, 2010 10:48 am

That sounds cool !

Get this pictures up and running Smile

Maybe your friend should make a "prototype" first to check out if it works..

Cheers and welcome to the forum

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JUST THE JOB-plastic injected housing interested? Empty Re: JUST THE JOB-plastic injected housing interested?

Post  colinley Tue Apr 06, 2010 1:15 pm

how much are you charging for the brass nozzles

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JUST THE JOB-plastic injected housing interested? Empty Re: JUST THE JOB-plastic injected housing interested?

Post  liteglow Tue Apr 06, 2010 3:26 pm

colinley wrote:how much are you charging for the brass nozzles

I dont charge anybody as I dont sell anything Wink

But what do you mean about brass nozzle ?
The complete nozzle with straws++ , or only the metal output ring on the top?

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JUST THE JOB-plastic injected housing interested? Empty Re: JUST THE JOB-plastic injected housing interested?

Post  colinley Wed Apr 07, 2010 1:55 am

just the outlet

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JUST THE JOB-plastic injected housing interested? Empty Re: JUST THE JOB-plastic injected housing interested?

Post  liteglow Wed Apr 07, 2010 8:19 am

colinley wrote:just the outlet

Ah you was not talking to me anyway Razz I mixed up the names hah ..

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JUST THE JOB-plastic injected housing interested? Empty THATS MY JOB

Post  STUCH Thu Apr 08, 2010 8:34 am

liteglow wrote:That sounds cool !

Get this pictures up and running Smile

Maybe your friend should make a "prototype" first to check out if it works..

Cheers and welcome to the forum

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JUST THE JOB-plastic injected housing interested? Empty got some spares but if you want a specific type/size let me know .price for others just p&p 2U

Post  STUCH Thu Apr 08, 2010 8:37 am

colinley wrote:how much are you charging for the brass nozzles

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JUST THE JOB-plastic injected housing interested? Empty ITS NOT BOUT MONEY JOY OF BUILDING!!!!!! IF I CAN HELP I WILL collaboration gets you their..I may need something 1 day

Post  STUCH Thu Apr 08, 2010 8:40 am

STUCH wrote:
colinley wrote:how much are you charging for the brass nozzles

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JUST THE JOB-plastic injected housing interested? Empty Re: JUST THE JOB-plastic injected housing interested?

Post  liteglow Thu Apr 08, 2010 8:53 am

STUCH: i think you have a writing input problem there Wink

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JUST THE JOB-plastic injected housing interested? Empty Re: JUST THE JOB-plastic injected housing interested?

Post  STUCH Thu Apr 08, 2010 10:49 am

You can have them for p&p charges tell me sort of size send you one 12mm outlet 25mm o/d you get the drift.. and the writing well just one of those mad uns takes all sorts ..

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JUST THE JOB-plastic injected housing interested? Empty Re: JUST THE JOB-plastic injected housing interested?

Post  liteglow Thu Apr 08, 2010 10:58 am

STUCH wrote:You can have them for p&p charges tell me sort of size send you one 12mm outlet 25mm o/d you get the drift.. and the writing well just one of those mad uns takes all sorts ..

Can you make a complete nozzle with filter and everything ?
or just the brass ring.. !?

Sorry for asking , but I`m not the best in english Wink and not so easy to understand everything that is written.
Btw: where do you live ?

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JUST THE JOB-plastic injected housing interested? Empty Re: JUST THE JOB-plastic injected housing interested?

Post  colinley Thu Apr 08, 2010 2:36 pm

STUCH wrote:You can have them for p&p charges tell me sort of size send you one 12mm outlet 25mm o/d you get the drift.. and the writing well just one of those mad uns takes all sorts ..

how much to send to Manchester England if you have one spare i would like one that has about 2mm hole not too bothered what the outside diamiter is as i am in the middle of making my nozzle and have not drilled the hole for the brass outlet
thanks colin Smile

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JUST THE JOB-plastic injected housing interested? Empty Re: JUST THE JOB-plastic injected housing interested?

Post  STUCH Fri Apr 09, 2010 4:34 am

Yeah sure i can post to Manchester is it definately 2mm not a lovely polished one you can have only 20 o/d approx 2mm thick ( my mate seems to think they better dish both sides with the fine edge in middle of tip .smoothes flow into outlet no rough square edges well thats what he thought if any body got any ideas for a nice oulet let me know) If you can wait till around the 20th april will send you one just send post details to i will send you outlet then will send you paypal details to refund my postage if thats ok...

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JUST THE JOB-plastic injected housing interested? Empty Re: JUST THE JOB-plastic injected housing interested?

Post  colinley Fri Apr 09, 2010 7:47 am

STUCH wrote:Yeah sure i can post to Manchester is it definately 2mm not a lovely polished one you can have only 20 o/d approx 2mm thick ( my mate seems to think they better dish both sides with the fine edge in middle of tip .smoothes flow into outlet no rough square edges well thats what he thought if any body got any ideas for a nice oulet let me know) If you can wait till around the 20th april will send you one just send post details to i will send you outlet then will send you paypal details to refund my postage if thats ok...

yes sorry it is a 12mm hole i am after
thanks colin

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JUST THE JOB-plastic injected housing interested? Empty Re: JUST THE JOB-plastic injected housing interested?

Post  liteglow Fri Apr 09, 2010 7:49 am

STUCH wrote:Yeah sure i can post to Manchester is it definately 2mm not a lovely polished one you can have only 20 o/d approx 2mm thick ( my mate seems to think they better dish both sides with the fine edge in middle of tip .smoothes flow into outlet no rough square edges well thats what he thought if any body got any ideas for a nice oulet let me know) If you can wait till around the 20th april will send you one just send post details to i will send you outlet then will send you paypal details to refund my postage if thats ok...

Can you post any pictures here ??
I`m not so sure what you is talking about here, but 2mm output hole affraid
I have 15mm and that is almost to small Rolling Eyes is 2mm the thickness of your brass ring maybe?

What is "dish both sides" ?
The TOP of the nozzle need to be PERFECT FLAT all the way (including the brass ring output) .
And the ONLY hole that is on the top need to be the FIRST and LAST edges that the water will hit on the way out !

If not the water will not stay laminar..

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JUST THE JOB-plastic injected housing interested? Empty Re: JUST THE JOB-plastic injected housing interested?

Post  STUCH Sat Apr 10, 2010 3:45 pm

The outlet nozzle is the brass ring like you have in your nozzle lightglow, the other ones being made are threaded on the outside diameter to make them interchangable.. You say you have a 15mm outlet? what size have you gone up to? wonder if an inch diy is possible? a 1" stream of light in your garden wow. Must say lightglow like your double set nice yourself i have a few good mates to help out ,,And what was ment by dished was a concave face on the rear face of the tip, the theory being if you want a flawless flow why smash it all over sharp areas so close to release, he makes nozzles for water jet cutters that profile aluminum and says they use concave inlet into nozzle to keep precise jet. " farm yard smells I dont know ." ...I will test them against flat back just to see..also after searching tinternet for turbulance reductuion in fluid saw a diagram on some italian webpage that had a straw like arrangement in runs of pipe wonder if fitting a small one before it enters the nozzle would allow larger arcs before breakup also interior surfaces have a drastic affect on turbulance so ribbed pipe out the question ...

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JUST THE JOB-plastic injected housing interested? Empty Re: JUST THE JOB-plastic injected housing interested?

Post  liteglow Sat Apr 10, 2010 3:59 pm

I think my output is 15mm (I can measure them, but Mario knows how the diameter is) !

Yes I also have seen the water metal cutting nozzle.
My uncle did in fact create a prototype for a water cutting device that could cut 3meeter thick concrete !!

But I dont know if high pressure water, and slow laminar water will have the same effect???
I did ask this question on this forum some time ago, about the FLAT top.
And the answer was pretty clear: YES you need a flat top!!

But be my quest, and try out a new top Smile if you have success let me know Wink
Do you think about a output hole\top like this (almost) :

JUST THE JOB-plastic injected housing interested? Nozzle

Only that it continues to the top, it would be nice to see that work.
But IF that work, it will be allot more work to build Rolling Eyes

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