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Air Cutter

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Air Cutter Empty Air Cutter

Post  juggle5 Sun Apr 26, 2009 1:42 pm

You probably discussed this but I haven't seen it... I seem to remember
reading that someone was using a blast of air to cut the stream rather than
using a mechanical device. Not sure it is practical and it would have to be
strong to do a clean cut.. Has anyone heard of this?
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Air Cutter Empty Air Cutter

Post  Therons Sun Apr 26, 2009 3:11 pm

Haven't heard of using air to cut the stream, but we know that the big boys use a high pressure water jet that does a very effective job. The problem is the expense and difficulty in the additional hardware.

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Air Cutter Empty Re: Air Cutter

Post  John Sun Apr 26, 2009 3:21 pm

I've heard of using something like a pressure washer, but I haven't heard of air though I don't see why you couldn't do it. As far as a home built fountain, it's more than I want to bite off. I don't think I could dedicate an air compressor, or a pressure washer to do the cutting.
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