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I'd love to make a laminar nozzle - New Zealand

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I'd love to make a laminar nozzle - New Zealand Empty I'd love to make a laminar nozzle - New Zealand

Post  Kiwi girl Fri Nov 23, 2012 1:08 am

Hi there, I am fascinated after seeing the laminar flow at Bellagios Las Vegas. I would love to know a simple way to make myself one of these. lots of people have posted to say they were going to try but sofar no photos. Is it really hard to add the light. Can I just put a bright LED torch up through the middle of the drum ( with the straws in it)? Any sites where I can see how to make a simple flow would be appreciated. I suppose cutting the flow really is getting too hard. All help and comments appreciated I REALLY want to make one of these.

Kiwi girl
Nozzle Newbie
Nozzle Newbie

Posts : 3
Join date : 2012-11-17

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