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Hi from Australia

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Hi from Australia Empty Hi from Australia

Post  OzzieBruce Tue Mar 19, 2013 2:06 am

Hi all
I have finally decided to build my own laminar jets and viewing your website is going to be a great resource.
My wife and I have just brought a house on the Gold Coast photos at 8harran dot com
it has a small swimming pool or large spa pool. I was planning on buying one of those $1400 for 2 jumping jets but I think I / we can build it better. I would like to control all of the pool lights including the fountains and garden lighting with DMX512.
That is why I would rather build my own jets. I would like DMX to be able to control
1 LED colour of the jets
2 cutter solenoid
3 pump speed
This would be a fun project because if it works I would like to place a few maybe 5 or 6 of them in the garden aimed at the pool.
Looking forward to chatting with you soon


Nozzle Newbie
Nozzle Newbie

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Join date : 2013-03-19

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