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Another laminar project - picture album

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Another laminar project - picture album Empty Another laminar project - picture album

Post  mrwebb Mon May 04, 2009 5:23 am

Found this guys picture album from 2006.

Looks nice and easy build.
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Another laminar project - picture album Empty Re: Another laminar project - picture album

Post  John Mon May 04, 2009 12:41 pm

I've seen this before. I'm pretty impressed with the size of the arc. It's laminar all the way through, and I'd bet that if he had a better ring, like the metal rings most of us have been using it would be a lot more clear, and have less veins.

Hmmm....I may have to resurrect the 4" nozzle.
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Another laminar project - picture album Empty Re: Another laminar project - picture album

Post  mrwebb Tue May 05, 2009 12:51 am

Hi John.

i was actually thinking about my comments to his project, because as you say, its a pretty amazing
setup with just a 4" nozzle. And yes if he had the brass outlet ring, it would be perfect.

One thing i notized is the amount of filters, one between each assembly. How much does these
small filters affect the entire nozzle ?
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