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Hello, got 2 BIG pumps to use.

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Hello, got 2 BIG pumps to use. Empty Hello, got 2 BIG pumps to use.

Post  antichip Thu Aug 20, 2009 9:27 am

Hello all
I am in the process of getting the details together to build a larger nozzle. I ordered the pumps that we have with the idea to have as much output as possible for a waterfall we are planning. They were like 2500 usd or so each 220v. The waterfall in plan is large and we haven't even started it yet. Guy said he wanted these jets a while ago. Now it will happen. I think they are like 320 gpm or 6000 gph or something.

I'll be back


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Hello, got 2 BIG pumps to use. Empty Re: Hello, got 2 BIG pumps to use.

Post  John Thu Aug 20, 2009 9:38 am

Nice to meet you! Those are some serious pumps! I'm really excited to see what comes of it!

My name is John. I've almost finished my first nozzle.
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