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Water flow lighting for maximum side visibility (Newbie)

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Water flow lighting for maximum side visibility (Newbie) Empty Water flow lighting for maximum side visibility (Newbie)

Post  ericsundbergva Mon Jun 20, 2016 12:15 pm

Hi Folks,

Newbie here. I want to make an arc of water with maximum side visibility from a distance.

If the laminar water keeps most of the light in like a fiber optic , would exterior lighting work better?

My first prototype nozzle is almost laminar (stays together for 12 or so feet with almost no side streams, but is not clear like photos, more like a white stream), and side light seems better.

Thanks for your help

Nozzle Newbie
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Water flow lighting for maximum side visibility (Newbie) Empty Re: Water flow lighting for maximum side visibility (Newbie)

Post  Ike Wed Feb 01, 2017 1:57 pm

The best way to achieve this is actually to introduce micro turbulence or small particulate in to the stream. This gives the light something to reflect off of and come out to hit your eye. You can add an agent of some kind to the water to make it slightly foggy or you can add small bubbles to the stream. One person put a small air needle at the outlet and used it to inject micro bubbles in the stream which brightened the light effect by a lot.

Hope that helps!

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